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Speak English fluently with these 50 useful tips

Speak English fluently with these 50 useful tips

Unicus Olympiads
Unicus Olympiads

Speak English fluently with these 50 useful tips

English speaking requires confidence. One can speak fluent English without hesitation with the following tips and tricks. These tips can help in improving your English dramatically and further practice will also be very useful:

  • It takes time to learn a new language, therefore, be patient as it is a time-taking process.
  • You need to practice not just reading and listening but speaking as well.
  • To learn native English-speaking you should have friends who speak like that so you also learn from them.
  • Do not be shy when you make mistakes. Others can help you to improve.
  • Practice speaking whenever you get a chance.
  • At first, use simple sentences and then move on to complex ones.
  • The right English-speaking course can help you accelerate the process.
  • Try to improve your pronunciation.
  • Do not give one-word answers at the beginning.
  • Try to speak long sentences to boost your confidence.
  • Try to improve your mistakes.
  • Listen to English-language music.
  • Try to speak English in public.
  • Try to spend as much time as you can at a place where English is spoken.
  • In order to improve your skills, try to become a part of a conversation group.
  • Read aloud your favourite books.
  • Watch popular English songs online.
  • Try to think in English in your mind.
  • Try paraphrasing what you hear. It will be of great help.
  • Try to connect with others in English.
  • Create your own responses instead of speaking what you hear others say.
  • Be confident when you speak.
  • Be attentive in listening.
  • To have a better quality speaking skill, use phrasal verbs instead of regular ones.
  • Be enthusiastic about learning English.
  • Learn from everyone, be it young or old.
  • You can listen to your favourite personality also to improve your language.
  • Watch children’s English cartoons.
  • Focus not only on speaking but grammar and vocabulary as well.
  • Change the language of your phone and computer.
  • Learn some short and natural sentences so you won’t be blank in need.
  • News presenters have excellent dictions so try to follow them.
  • Make your friends the judge by making them listen to your spoken recordings.
  • Be ready to speak in unexpected circumstances.
  • Have fun while learning it.
  • Practice speaking in front of mirror.
  • Learn to make statements in your own way.
  • Master some idioms and phrases.
  • Write new things that you learned in English.
  • Translate your native language story in English.
  • Engage yourself in a lot of English activities.
  • Try to debate in English.
  • Don’t hurry to speak your speech. Do it slowly.
  • Try to sing along the rap songs.
  • Interrupt and interject politely.
  • Be positive in speaking for there is always room for improvement.
  • Speak that English which you know best.
  • Try to be as realistic as you can.

English is not a hard language. You can learn it through continuous practice and by help from the above points.

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