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Try these Math Card Tricks to impress your friends and your Math teacher also

Try these Math Card Tricks to impress your friends and your Math teacher also

Unicus Olympiads
Unicus Olympiads

Try these Math Card Tricks to impress your friends and your Math teacher also

The following are the Math card tricks that you can use to impress your friends and teachers:

"AweSUM 10" beginner math card trick

  • Ask your friend to pick 2 cards. Each card needs to be from 1 to 9 and they must not add up to 10.
  • Sort out the remainder cards in piles as follows:
    1. Every time you see 10, Jack, Queen or King, place a card on it.
    2. Every time you see two cards that add to 10, place a card on each of the cards.
    3. Otherwise start a new pile.
  • Remove the piles that equal 10.
  • There should be two piles left. Tell your friend’s cards by subtracting from 10.
"The Power of Three" mathematical card trick

This card trick can be done over the phone.

  • Remove the 10s, Jacks, Queens, and Kings from the deck.
  • Ask your friend to
    1. Select any three cards.
    2. Put down on each card a combination of cards that make up the value of the card multiplied by three.
    3. Take away the first three cards.
    4. Repeat the above steps to get a third set of cards.
    5. Turn over one of the cards.
    6. Add up all the values of the remaining cards and get the number.
  • You can tell the value of the turned over card by getting the next multiple of 9 and subtract from the given number. For example, if you are given 21 then the next multiple of 9 is 27. The card turned over is then 27 - 21 = 6.
  • "Math-0-Matics" card trick

    With the help of this simple formula this card trick will always work.

  • Ask your friend to:
    1. Select a card.
    2. Double the card value.
    3. Multiply by 5.
    4. Add 1 for Clubs, add 2 for Hearts, add 3 for Spades, and add 4 for Diamonds.
    5. This step gives you the total.
  • You can tell the value of the card by subtracting 15. The first digit is the card value and the second digit is the suit. For example, if you are given 58, then 58 - 15 = 43. Then the card is 4 of spades.

Simple and best math card trick

  • Make 4 piles.
  • Count down from 10.
  • Aces are worth 1; Jacks, Kings, and Queens are worth 10.
  • If you say the value you flip then there is a match and you move to the next pile.
  • Place a face down card on top to cap the pile if there is no match.

The final 3 math card trick

  • Ask your friend to select 3 cards that they must remember.
  • Make 4 piles of cards. First pile is ten cards. Second pile is 15 cards. Third pile is 15 cards. The last pile will be 9. (Don't let your friend know how many in each pile)
  • Ask your friend to:
    1. Take one from the 3 cards and put it on top of the first pile.
    2. Cut the second pile and put it on top of the first pile.
    3. Put the second card on top of the second pile.
    4. Cut the third pile and put it on top of the second pile.
    5. Place the third card on top of the third pile.
    6. Place the piles in the order of top to bottom: 4 - 3 - 2 - 1.
  • Deal out the cards in a face up and face down order on the first two dealings and a face-down-face-up order in the third dealing. The last three cards will be the ones selected by your friend.

Amazing mathematical card trick

  • Ask your friend to:
    1. Pick 9 cards at random.
    2. Make three piles of three.
    3. Choose one of the piles and look at the card at the bottom of the pile.
  • Stack the piles so that your friend’s cards are in the third position.
  • Ask your friend to spell out the selected card as you count. For example F-I-V-E, place the deck on top, O-F, place the deck on top, S-P-A-D-E-S. The five of spades will then be the five cards.

Make a deck-bet mathematical card trick

  • This amazing mathematical card trick uses the Gilbreath Principle.
  • Two decks are placed in completely reversed order and shuffled together.
  • A complete deck of cards will be created from the top 52 cards.
  • It is a self-working card trick.

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